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Morgellons disease

My name is Elena V. Gordeyeva. I have been working as a veterinarian for 35 years in Russia. My specialization is animals' skin diseases. I conduct research and publish articles in veterinary journals.

Here is my history  from the very beginning.

In a very hot summer of the year 2010 after their daily bathing in our river my dogs fell ill. The first was my Labrador which  had paw ulcers.

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I started investigating:  skin scraping, smear and so on. I find nothing  pathogenic.  Neither fungi, nor bacteria.  But  ulcers continued  developing.  Just by this time I had got  usb microscope, and  started investigating its   wounds with magnification.

Next year after  bathing a huge affected region appeared - a neck and a  breast.

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Poor dog. But I cured him. Or maybe he recovered by himself. Then I started noticing that people ask many questions  about dogs skin desorders  and asked to send me scotch tape test  by mail. Ten letters were sent. Also two more my friend's dogs with whom we  swam in the river fell ill. I started seeking in the Internet and I came across the article  which read  that cyanobacteriae cause mass poisonings in cattle and  allergies in people. And we bathed in the river  all the summer. I considered that  disorder of our  dogs was caused by cyanobacteriae .

Then  the skin problem at my Rottweiler arose.

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Stomach and paw ulcers. Again  skin scraping, smear.  Pathogenic microflora wasn't revealed. But I found balls of  unknown  nature. I thought that  for certain they were tissue fibers.  As well as at my Labrador.

But when I found the same fibers in scotch tape tests which dog owners  sent me by mail,  I was deep in thought.  Why were these fibers  from around the  world  so similar?  It was strange.

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They  look  like this practically at all animals.  Some have more of them, some have less.   You have an opportunity to compare them to fibers from my  skin lesion and to fibers from the Internet.

Now you know the background.

In March, 2012 this disorder  affected  me.

Two weeks before  the incident I felt a bad itch on skin of both forearms. My  forearms itched before, but I thought it was  a tick allergy. After all I am a veterinarian and I deal with lots of dogs with sore skin. During  the year of my disease I received scotch tape tests of  skin of sick dogs from all over the world. That winter I saved enough of them.

March 3, 2012.

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The itch on the outer side of my elbow was such severe that I couldn't fall asleep. I decided that I had infected the wound. Because during 30 years of my working as a practical veterinarian I    had nothing of that nature. But having read on the Internet about Morgellons disease and having collected a material about cyanobacteriae, I simply generalized all the  material and solved I had  exactly the same disease . But I must tell - I am not a physician. And I don't make diagnoses. I simply decided to observe its development.

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And I started observing and experimenting.
I was ready to it. Because my dogs had been having   skin problems since 2010 . And I had been  observing them for all the year. I photographed and so on. But it was another story.

I already knew that they were cyanobacteriae, and  wasn't doubtful of it. I bought crystals of lemon acid, put them to an affected  place on my elbow  for some hours and apply bandage. Reading articles on the Internet, I came across information that cyanobacteriae don't like  the sour environment.
My experiments  proceeded.

March 6, 2012.

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The acid did its part.  It burned my skin, and the wound turned into a scab. Before  I had debrided a wound with  Chemisprey and Terramycin .
I was delighted, having seen such a wound. "Well, it heals" – I thought. But I early rejoiced.

Through the microscope I saw such a picture and understood that I got into trouble!
Though lots of cyanobacteriae were dead, there were lots and lots of them there,   my arms didn't stop itching and I was very much frightened. Now, when one year  has passed after my successful recovery, I can write about it without fear. But then it was horror.

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Having read everything about  Morgellons disease I understood that there weren't ways of treatment  present.

I conducted  researches at home. I had  minimum equipment. They were  a usb – camera magnifying  200 times, a microscope  I bought in the Medical Equipment shop and a photographic camera – an ordinary point -and -shoot camera.

For  conscience sake  I consulted  a dermatologist, a surgeon.The  verdict was an allergy. Well, I  didn't expect   another result.
Keeping in mind that people with  Morgellons disease often have such diagnosys as parasitic psychosis  I visited my  psychotherapist (psychiatrist). The conclusion was good. I had no parasitic psychosis.   I was healthy in this sense, if in no other.

I  continue the diary.

On 7 and 8 of March  I did scotch tape test of my affected area and  investigated it under a microscope. Scotch tape test is a piece of tape stuck  to a sore point and then put by sticky part inside.  Fibers from a wound for the research didn't manage to be collected in a different way.

I received some interesting pictures.

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I explain  that cyanobacteriae have ability to be twisted in strings and also to form plaits when danger to their life exists or they feel discompfort. And so my cyanobacteriae probably felt danger and were twisted in strings and plaits. One of them had been broken.  The pictures were not absolutely accurate as the equipment, of course, was of poor quality. But I don't write  the scientific treatise, I simply tell about two months of a nightmare of my life.

On March 8 I noticed that my wound was healing.  And I self-confidently decided that I won cyanobacteriae  by means of ascorbic acid and Chemisprey.

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I was so naive and ambitious! Gordeyeva killed a Morgellons disease! ! Hurrah! My hand looked almost healthy.

At night  a terrible itch woke me up.  But it was not an old wound, it was   a new one.  The itch was intolerable.  And I understood that the new focus  was forming.  Indeed,  I had a new  lesion focus  inside of an elbow of my right hand.

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It was almost invisible. But understanding that it was  impossible to leave it so, I used  Chemisprey again. In  this photo the affected spot was  still fresh and hardly noticeable. There was worse to come and I was not mistaken.

By the evening on March 11 my new lesion focus looked as follows.

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Of course, I expect indignation of doctors. “You simply burned your  hand by sprays and citric acid. You may have an allergy to all these components!”. Yes,  I agree. But there is one “BUT”.

Through the microscope I could see in the wound  amassment of various fibers of an unknown origin. Providing proofs I took a picture.

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It might be said  clothes fibers. But  clothes of such colours were not present in my wardrobe. But still it might be said.

And I decided to make an experiment not to be  accused of a setup. I removed all fibers from the wound  inside of the elbow and stuck all the wound with scotch tape.  Now clothes fibers couldn't get to the  wound.

Here is the wound before my experiment.  This wound is without fibers.  I removed them with the cotton ball moistened with alcohol.

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I stuck an ulcer with a piece of scotch  tape and  went to walk with my dogs. In two hours I simply put a microscope to a tape.

Gloss that you can see  is just the tape's shine.  But under the  tape  these multi-colored strings  are   fibers of cyanobacteriae.  They had   already been formed.  It  was unclear to me.  How could they  get there?  I was puzzled.

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I decided to continue the experiment and  left a tape for the night,  in the morning I found this.

March 14, 2012.

Again you can see the  tape shine.  But look, how many fibers accumulated inside of the  ulcer.

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By the way as soon as an ulcer appears on a place of reddening, the itch stops at once, and this area of skin loses sensitivity.

On March 15  I  had no doubts that they were  living beings,  because cloths fibers could not get under a tape in such amounts.

March 15. I continue experiment. I unstick a tape, remove fall fibers from an ulcer with a  cotton ball and  stick again.  Some hours later they accumulate again. And now it's   time  to open  you a secret.

Cyanobacteriae have an  ability to be twisted in ropes, in plaits and to form mats of plaits and ropes. This   is not my sick imagination.  Serious scientists write about it, and there are articles on this subject.

I looked  the Internet up and down  to know more about cyanobacteriae.  I understand, only they are capable of the such. Cyanobacteriae are the most ancient beings, scientists don't deprive  them of a reason.  They are pioneers who go ahead of all living beings and open them the road.

And  tell me after that, whether they can mutate and turn in beings who do harm to animals and  people. I think they can!

The most curious people I send to the Internet with inquiry "rope-building cyanobacteria". It is a fascinating material.

And what is the aim of my words?    My cyanobacteriae didn't like that I burned them down with lemon and ascorbic acid and used the spirit spray containing an antibiotic. And under such adverse conditions they started being twisted in ropes to survive.

By the way I can tell  that cyanobacteriae live in  all living organisms similar saprophytes and only under adverse conditions they are twisted in ropes. Do you need proofs? Here they are. Take a scotch tape and paste it to the neck skin  under your hair. And then  look attentively through a microscope with the smallest magnificotion. And you will see them, and so will everybody.

I am writing now  and a thought has come to my mind that a half of reading this will think  I am   crazy! Unfortunately it is not the case.  I successfully have passed all tests for obtaining the medical certificate of my psychological health.

So nobody can think me madwoman. Also there is one more proof to it. But for this purpose it is necessary to read up my story to the end . And if someone will think all this bizarre, let him call this work   as the science-fiction novel.
And so I  continue.

That you see is similar to  a hair. But it is  not a hair. It was formed in my wound during the night under a scotch tape. Also notice, this plait is  surrounded by fibers.

Now my hand looks  like that.

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The violet aura is just  antibiotic spray. It is colored.

Everithing  seems cool. Am I right? The wound heals.

But fibers continue to be formed in this wound. And just  my unshakable confidence that I must not  scratch the itching places, rescues me from formation of the new wounds.  I accurately watch  too many fibers have not  accumulated in the wound. I remove them by the  cotton ball moistened in formic alcohol.

By this time I looked up and down  all the Internet,  russian and non-russian. And I found one thing. It develops that in Europe in ponds where settled blue-green algae, the  bunches of barley straw were dropped. And seaweeds disappeared.  I started looking for straw. Of course I didn't find it. But my Moscow friends  sent me 5 kg of crude barley. And I started  to boil it and irrigate my wouns. Then I started doing barley tincture and irrigating the wounds with it.

I threw out all my clothes  which was in a contact with a sore hand. Every  my day began with irrigating  of wounds and observe them through a microscope.

By this time I had already written  some letters to well-informed people with a request to answer me my questions.  The geologist who is engaged in studying of blue-green algae, told that they weren't dangerous to people.  The Ukrainian academician studying Morgellons disease  didn't answer me at all.

Well-well, the Ivanovo veterinarian talks nonsense.  Morgellons disease is caused by cyanobacteriae.  Who ever would have thought it!  Nobody.

I found all available researches of Morgellons disease.  I found pictures and I understood that I was on the right path.  And you, my dear reader, are able to do it.  Searching “Morgellons disease  pictures" you can make sure they are very similar to mine.  As well as  skin lesions which  I show to you   and which can be found in the Internet are very similar.

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Now it was not necessary to stick the wound with a scotch tape because everything was clear. Fibers appeared as a result of twisting in ropes and plaits of microscopic cyanobacteriae.
And now I will tell a fantastic thing. These bacteria possess mimicry. They imitate an environment  color. I began a new experiment. I put on blue clothes, red, green, and each time they twisted ropes of different color. However, with delay. But this is  not an easy task - to change the color and to be twisted in ropes.

During my disease I understood how they acted. Part of cyanobacteriae are attached to a hair on the skin, and form a basis for all the others. Then they began being twisted in clusters. And if you removed this cluster, under  it you could see an ulcer or skin lesion.

Again I don't act without proofs. On March 18 I began experiment on cultivation of such plait. I also have  video and  pictures. But they aren't really clear to those who doesn't study biology.  Nevertheless I  upload those pictures. Maybe  impartial experts will want to look.

Don't be  frightened, please, this black colour is  a felt-tip pen's  outline of the place where the new ulcer started arising.  And I traced all the mechanism.

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Through the  microscope you could see  that fibers accumulated in one place and started being attached to a hair on the skin.

At that moment  I regretted that I had no high-precision  equipment for supervision  these bacteria.  I  could  do a   fantastic movie.

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And here they formed  a cocoon.

I decided to watch  to the end all  this process. Now as I was not afraid of anything. Because I found out, at last, a way  to cool these fellows.

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And the  day came when the plait of  cyanobacteriae had been formed, and here is the picture how it looked on a clean sheet of paper under a microscope with small increase. It's   interesting, isn't it? Then I looked at it with high magnification. It was awful sight!

After I removed a plait,a wound remained under it.

Here in this  green circle there is  bright red glance ulcer   with serous liquid. The black line  is the same mark of a black felt-tip pen. This ulcer easily responded  to treatment  and  soon  healed.

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Then I  experimented filling some crystals of ascorbic acid in the wound. In this case  mimicry process  was obvious.  Remembered what fibers we had seen - red, blue, green and so on, and after contact with the  acid they became white. Maybe I had burned them, but I thought  that it was just a mimicry.

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As the second ulcer  didn't heal, and new ropes had been forming, I continued  experimenting  as I had no choice. The main thing was that  the lesion  didn't end up with a serious suppurative  inflammation. Everything was locally and lovely.  The ulcer simply didn't heal.

I filled up an ulcer with crystals of ascorbic acid and attentively studied this under a microscope. Cyanobacteriae   started being twisted in black thick plaits. And part of ropes which, probably, could not be twisted in plaits, turned white.

You may have  an objection.  May be they are not  plaits at all, may be they are dog's black hairs? The objection is accepted. I also thought  it was dog's hair. I have 2 black dogs. But investigating a hair of a dog under a microscope, we always see a root of a hair and its end. They are so different that you cannot confuse them.

And our plait is  absolutely identical from both ends. Thick in the middle and thin at the edges.

I can't confirm it with photos.  They were  not   accurate.

Well, as a matter of  principle, if I write the fantastic novel, you absolutely  do not have to trust me.

By March 24, my birthday, I had had  on my right hand  two  old  ulcers and a  new one, recently had been formed.

I tried  every possible drug. I submitted smear and scraping. They didn't find nothing  pathological in the laboratory. The blood test was good. So I was apparently  healthy person with three   wounds which were not healing.

Having learned that the Ukrainian scientists suggested to treat Morgellons disease using colloidal silver I thought  of it.  I was lucky. I had seen such a silver plaster by chance. I bought it and I started sticking it  to my arm after irrigating  the wound,  watching it through the microscope. I can  tell you, cyanobacteriae didn't like it.

This is my arm  on April 5.

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And this is  a picture under a microscope  in  profile.

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And here  is this wonderful silver plaster.

The hexagons are  just those silver inclusions.    You can see fibers on  a sticky part of a plaster.    The cyanobacteriae always accumulated on this part of a plaster   and never under the  medical layer. 

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On April 20 my misadventures ended. Small ulcers were still formed, but I already knew ways of their  treatment.  By the way, I had to throw out all saved-up natural material (scotch tape tests and the like ).. I couldn't store them in the house where I lived because cyanobacteriae  rapidly bred . But nevertheless, I have something  remained and it is more than sufficient to proove my case. But they are  not dangerous materials. Though these materials mean nothing because  cyanobacteriae live everywhere.

I have lots of proofs: videos, photos and  letters sent by dog owners,  the cured animals.

Why have I  written all this?  Because the year  has passed but  I have  no  recidivation. I can take    preventive measures. Though  I know for sure  cyanobacteriae live everywhere. And many diseases which can't be diagnosed and treated, can be an any form of cyanobacterial disease. Cyanobacteriae live in a mouth and in a throat, and, I think,  in an intestinal tract  too.

They are  so tiny  that can be transferred even with a wind.

At present my dogs are in a remission stage. Turns out, animals have this disease in a more severe form than people.

I have one unsettled  question: why some  people get sick, while the others don't. And the answer - “because they have immunity” is unacceptable for me.

At the end of my story  I wish  health and prosperity for everybody!

If you need write me on email: [email protected]

I'd like you write me  not to argue with me or call me  “silly woman” but if you need help and support. And maybe scientists-researchers  will become interested in my story. I  believe that there are lots of  real scientists in our world.

And I will wait for them and maybe they will shed light on my history and impartially discuss these questions with me.

And at the end I post a collage of photos.

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Morgellons disease

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Morgellons disease



Please look into Scabies
15 сен 2016 06:29
The "fellows" you have pictures of look like rolled up scabies. I have many pictures of similar "fellows" . I thought they were nanobugs too.

Scabies are very thin and fragile and can twist easily upon being removed from skin and also when placing on a slide.

They roll up and their "hairs" get tangled. The holes in your wrists are classic scabies wounds. I had them eating me alive for over a year. I went from dr to dr. I had wounds on my scalp, face , ears, legs...everywhere.

Because by body reacted with nodules and not the classic scabies skin rash my doctors never thought it could be scabies.

My drs.refused to take samples and look under a microscope to diagnose , it was far easier to prescribe meds for the symptoms. Also, drs that aren't familiar with scabies don't think you get scabies on face or scalp.

Only perscription meds to kill scabies (permethrin and ivermectin) and meticulous everyday cleaning (sheets, towels, floors, shoes, purse, car, brush) helped. Sulfur soap helped too.
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